Duties And Responsibilities


The School uniform is compulsory on all working days and at school functions. Pupils should come to school clean and tidy. Their hair should be well trimmed and combed.All student from Std. I to XII must attend the general assembly at 8.50a.m. Student will assemble class wise and absolute silence must be maintained. After the Assembly, student will march briskly, silently to their respective classrooms in order. Silence must be observed throughout the school hours and also while moving from one class room to another.


Irregular attendance , habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience, and disrespect towards any member of the staff or bad moral influence justify dismissal. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. The principal’s decision is final in all disciplinary matters. The Character Certificate, which is issused to all students while leaving school, will depend entirely on their behavior during the school days. Physical Violence with other classmates/school mates or outside the campus will not be condoned under any circumstances.


ADMISSION: Admission is made only after appropriate oral and written test. Pupils coming on transfer from other institutions must bring their progress report to give a tentative assessment of their achievements. No pupil will be admitted without the transfer certificate from the previous school attended. The T.C. should be endorsed by the inspector of Matriculation Schools coming from other states.
Registration form will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- at the School office to the father or mother of the child seeking admission. It is essential that correct information must be furnished in the Registration Form as this be used as the basis for School record, if the child is give admission. Registration forms will not be accepted unless the date of birth of the child is authenticated by Corporation Birth Certificate.
Withdrawal of student during a school year is not advised. However if a student is to be withdrawn for reasons beyond the control of the parent/guardian, entire year’s fees has to be paid, then only TC will be issued.


Every child must obtain hundred percent attendance during the academic year. The school management invites whole hearted co-operation of the parents in achieving this goal. Pupils should not leave the school premises without prior permission from the Principal. . Students will not be permitted to avail half-day leave.

Leave application should be through leave forms provided in the school diary One leave form is required to be produced for a day’s leave. For absence of more than a day on account of illness, a medical Certificate should accompany the leave form. Extra leave forms may be obtained from school office for a payment of Rs.20/- per form.

A student absenting himself/herself for five days in succession without obtaining permission will be removed from the roll. A fresh admission fee of Rs.500/- will be collected if the student is to be re-admitted.

Leave of absence for the terminal examinations will be granted only on medical grounds certificated by a registered Medical Practitioner. Absence on the opening days of a term of after special holidays like Christmas, Deepavalli, Pongal etc., without permission from principal is Punishable with a fine of fifty rupees. In case of sickness, the school Authorities must be notified in time and a doctor’s certificate produced.

Late comers will we warned once or twice and if they come regularly Severe penalty will be levied with some sum. All the students must come with well washed uniforms, neatly tied up with Tie, Belt and wearing shoes smartly. Students who will come without uniform, be charged Rs.100/-.


All students are responsible for protection of school property at all times. Defaulters will be fined at the discretion of the principal.


Students will be checked at the main gate on their entry into school, for proper and neet uniform meant for the day. Students who do not come in uniform will be stopped by the volunteers at the main gate and their default in uniform will be entered in the HAND-BOOK and sent to the PRINCIPAL for endorsement.

The ID Card should be brought to school every day. Uniform should always be checked for ‘buttons’ and safety pins should not be used. Clean shoes and clean Navy blue socks above the ankle should be worm. Boys should trim their hair properly. Boys with long hair will not be allowed to attend classes. Boys should not grow moustache or bread. Girls with long hair should come in two plaits, doubled up and tied up with black ribbons.

Girls with short hair should come in two pony tails or two plaits. Hair should not fall over the forehead. Student are permitted to come in civil dress on their birthday and join the choir in the morning assemble to be greeted by the school.


The TC will be issued only on requisition made by the parent for a payment of Rs.300/- TC will be issued only after the dues have been paid in full.


The School is divided into 3 terms

1.Under no circumstances fees once paid will be refunded, adjusted or Transferred to some other student’s name.
2.Those who leave the school in the middle of the year will have to pay all term fees and the only TC will be issued.


It is a valuable record as far as student is concerned. Parents should regularly look in for remarks/home work given in it. Parents Signature is absolutely necessary for entering the pupil to classroom.


All students are responsible for protection of school property at all times. Defaulters will be fined at the discretion of the principal.


The School Management reserves full right to remove the names of habitual late-comers from the school register without any warning.


Promotion is based on attendance and performance in the tests and terminal examinations and not on annual examination marks alone. The average marks obtained in the unit test will also be considered for the final promotion. Continuous assessment will be done for class work, homework, test. Promotion will be based on these marks.
All students should compulsorily attend examination without fail. Any student not taking the examination will be marked as “Failed”. No re-exam will be conducted for the absentees. Parents must examine the marks obtained by their children in every test conducted by the school and must take necessary steps to improve the performance.
The progress report must be returned duly signed within three days from the date of receipt. Parents are advised to supervise and encourage their children to do their homework particularly if they are weak in certain subjects. Students who do not have a minimum of 75% attendance will not be promoted.


Encourage your ward to be regular and Punctual. Always send them in neat and proper uniforms. Encourage your wards to take part in talent display. Do ensure that your ward does not come to school by two wheelers/four wheelers. Please fill all circulars issued by the school and follow the dates. Ensure that your wards do not bring CD’S, IPOD, CELL PHONES or any other electronic gadgets to school and do not wear gold jwellery to the school.


Parents should not enter the class room or meet the teachers during the class hours. Parents/Guardians who see information or wish to discuss their children’s progress or happenings at the school should do so to the Principal/Vice-Principals only. They may meet the teacher between 4.00 to 4.30p.m on Fridays for classes I-XII. Parents are requested to attend all the scheduled parent-teacher meeting. Parents are requested not to send money or valuable items with their children. Buying things from the vendors outside the school gate is not permitted. Parents are requested to see that their children do not wear gold ornaments or jewellery of any kind in the school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any belongings. Parents should refrain from handling over lunch bags, books,etc., to the watchman. Students are expected to bring their books, bags, lunch bag, box, books, note, must be in campus 10 minutes before bell will rings . Change of address of pupils and of parents or guardians should be intimated to the class teacher and to the school office promptly Any communication, requests or complaints should be addressed to the Principal only.


Rules and Regulations of the school as notified below should be strictly adhered to. Any via lotion of the rules and regulations will be viewed seriously. Pupils are expected to be courteous to their schoolmates, teachers and other staff members both inside and outside school.

Bad behavior and use of objectionable language will be severely dealt with Any kind of damage to the property of the school should be paid for by the pupils responsible for doing so. pupils are expected to be responsible for their own books, fountain pens, cycle, lunch boxes etc., No pupils suffering from contagious or infectious disease like measles, chicken pox, etc., will be allowed inside the school.

The quarantine period is 14 days. No private tuition shall be arranged with the school staff without obtaining permission from the Principal. Since the medium of instruction is English, it is compulsory that all pupils should speak English in the school premises. Students are expected to use only fountain pens and not ball-point pens. Only royal blue or blue-black ink in permissible.

Pupils should bring along with them their napkins/hand-towels table mats and should use the same to avoid making the classroom dirty. Any students found to have taken the belongings of other students will face suspension. Students are prohibited from eating or chewing any eatables during class hours Students are prohibited from bringing bring CD’S, IPOD, CELL PHONES or any other electronic gadgets to school.

Students are prohibited from bursting fireworks inside the campus in connection with any festival or celebration. Every student should bring the school diary to the school daily. The Management may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of permanent and temporary character, regulating the conduct of the students within the campus and outside which are deemed necessary to maintain the reputation of the institution