Our Prayers


Oh, Lord our God, We thank thee, for this new day, for the peaceful night, for the beautiful fresh morning, for the songs of birds, and love and fellowship of people. We ask thee, To be with us, Throughout this day, Help us to be honest, obedient and helpful to others. Bless all the children, parents, teachers, helpers and well wishers of this school. Guard and guide us, to use our time and talents properly, let us have the satisfaction of having spent the day properly. -Amen..


Jessie Matriculation Higher Secondary School is my esteemed School. I am proud of this institution, Moral and Value Added Education, and High spiritual courses, along with academic courses I get this institution without any kind of fears. The faculty of my school is highly dedicated and eminent, to give us all efficient teaching. And is really a nice chance, to live within this border. I truly thank God for this wonderful atmosphere that I will avail here for my future and I promise to abide with God


Our Heavenly Father, We come to your feet for blessing. We workship you, adore you and we thank you for giving us one more day to serve you. Bless our correspondent Sir and His family members, teachers and students to do their work sincerely and properly. We ask all these in the name of our Lord Jesus Chirst.


Thank you Lord, for the food that you blessed and given us and we take the food with thanks in our hearts, to live hale and healthy for your glory.


Lord Our God, We thank you for your Grace and guidance, Peace and Presence, Protection and Power. We thank thee again this evening us the satisfaction of having spent the day properly. Lord, give us strength and success, wisdom knowledge, understanding and victory; Fill us with the Beauty of Holiness. With your help, help us to be better tomorrow.